What is #EdTech Commerce?

Xanax Buy Uk We are proud to work with businesses in the Technology, Creative and luxury Hospitality, Travel and Leisure sectors that wish to embrace the needs and wants of the ever more tech savvy global consumer through Edtech Commerce™. Our key focus is on collaboration, innovative communication techniques and entrepreneurial vision to maximize sales opportunities across international frontiers and the responsible application of technology.

Our Global shopping consumer base embraces unique cultural experiences and is passionate about artistic endeavours, technology and the creative services industry as defined by the DCMS, (the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport). Between us, our founding members have worked for Vodafone, Samsung Mobile, Samsung Electronics, Lord Alan Sugar at Amstrad, SAP AG, Hutchison 3G, Vizzavi, HTC Europe, Nokia, Motorola and Integgris LLC.

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Global consumers who wish to acquire brand insights and make the right purchasing decision whilst they travel through various countries and across many cultures and languages, now have the tools they need at their fingertips thanks to our engaging mobile apps directly related to these industries and global consumer lifestyles that enable shoppers to shop locally yet globally.