Our Founding Team Members are global consumers and some of us have been friends for over 15 years. We are all passionate about technology, innovation, global enterprise, global travel and multilingual dialogue. We have been at the forefront of breakthrough technologies and the most exciting global product launches and go-to-market strategies in the mobile device and technology sectors throughout our careers.
Between us, our Founding members have worked for Vodafone, Samsung Mobile, Samsung Electronics, SAP AG, Hutchison 3G, Vizzavi, HTC Europe, Nokia, Motorola, and even Lord Alan Sugar at Amstrad.
The Latest Sale team believes in maximising promotional activities on behalf of our celebrity clientèle and global corporations responsibly by using organic technology™. We embrace technology intelligently, ensuring data protection and quality control are always at the centre of our projects.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the hear of our ethos, with CSR sponsorship projects a key Marketing tool across the creative services industry.
An entrepreneurial, multilingual collective dedicated to organic technology and the creative services industry. The Latest Sale team embraces international enterprise, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives and international dialogue/ debate that generates positive change in society.
Marketing, advertising and brand reputation accompanied by organic technology and sponsorship initiatives form part of the Latest Sale ethos. Projects that garner impact and community engagement are our speciality. Latest Sale acts globally and thinks locally.
Latest Sale specialises in the luxury creative services industry, assessing market trends that affect the sector and create positive change and sustainable jobs. Luxury hospitality, travel and leisure brands also form part of our focus on luxury endeavours.
Latest Sale offers a range of Marketing support to our celebrity and corporate clients. The team has a strong focus on sponsorship initiatives across the creative services industry, to support newcomers who wish to work closer to commercial enterprises.
Latest Sale is an organic technology company that focuses on the latest sales of products and services across the luxury technology and hospitality sectors and the creative services industry as defined by the DCMS, (the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport).
The Latest Sale mission aims to encourage collaboration and innovative communication techniques through organic sales. Our entrepreneurial vision maximizes the latest sales opportunities across international frontiers for socially aware shoppers of luxury brands through organic technology including mobile applications and knowledge based content.
Michelle Ogbonna
CEO, Managing Director, Founder
Key Achievements
First Marketing and Advertising Executive at Samsung Mobile, first woman to join the team, first to manage a £10m budget. High profile sponsorship projects include Sydney Olympics (Samsung), Calloway Golf, Formula One (SAP AG). High profile projects include, SAP where participation and campaign performance levels increased significantly from 20% to 70% across EMEA through strong leadership and communication skills and an overhaul of Agency working practices.
Product initiatives SAP Business One, SAP A1, B1 value calculator and Interactive demo adopted in France, Spain, Italy, Austria and the UK with websites localized for these markets. Central government policy development, Department of Transport (Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy) under Jesse Norman MP. I supported DfT Events; Women in Engineering as well as the Office of Science at DfT that fed to strategic input inclusions into evidence based proposals for potential policy planning of DfT agencies DVSA and DVLA for automated vehicles, cycling and walking policy development on road safety.
Personal snapshot
Cities visited so far where I feel most at home- Paris, (France), Cartagena and Medellin (Colombia), San Francisco, Chicago, New York, (USA).
Favourite activities- Quad biking, snorkelling, salsa/ meringue dance
Favourite sports to watch- Basketball, ice hockey
Languages- French, Spanish, English (trilingual)
Mark Bridge
Technology Editor
Key Achievements
Copywriting background includes the creation of the People’s Phones retail store operation manual, writing all communications for Vodafone’s indirect sales business, managing various successful award entries, monitoring competitive activity for Vizzavi UK, and writing successful Mobile News Awards entries for Samsung. Responsibilities extended to writing press advertising for Samsung, user guides for Carphone Warehouse, and technology explanations for My Weekly, magazine. My view on writing great copy is “We’ve all seen advertisements that look great but don’t tell us anything about the product they’re advertising.”
Personal snapshot
Cities visited so far where I feel most at home- Brighton, Sussex, UK, Barcelona, Spain.
Favourite activities- Walking and cycling
Favourite sports to watch- Rallying
Languages- Native English speaker
Group Head of Global Communications & PR
Key Achievements
Head of Marketing UK, USA
Latest Sale is looking to fill this role.
Head of Operations
Latest Sale is looking to fill this role in 2021.