With the immense variation of pricing and availability, jewellery buyers may wonder what is the difference between costume jewellery and fine jewellery?
Costume Jewellery Properties
Costume jewellery or fashion jewellery is so named as they are mass produced with a focus on following fashion trends. The metal used is plated to make gold plated jewellery or silver plated jewellery and any adornments are costume. These include stones that will be referred to as simulated stones, These stones resemble actual gemstones in terms of their appearance however the properties differ from genuine gemstones.
Fine Jewellery Properties
Fine jewellery uses genuine high quality precious stones and premium metals. High levels of gold, silver and platinum are used to create elegant jewellery pieces that can adequately hold genuine gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, emeralds and opal. Fine jewellery although often created to adapt to fashion trends also enjoy a refined, timeless quality with a similar design purchased year after year. This is the case for occasion wear bridal jewellery as well as some everyday earrings, with customers often preferring a similar timeless and classic design to be available year after year.
Destino Jewellery, fine jewellery is available in an elegant white leatherette designer jewellery box.