Archives for Business Directory

Ethical Fashion, 18th Century Copper Gown, Latest Sale Week 30102017

Buying Xanax Amsterdam 18th Century Fashion highlights are brought to life in the Latest Sale Business Directory covering luxury Fashion. As the year comes to a close we celebrate eco warriors in Fashion whose designs and concepts stand the test of time. Social impact fashion endures through time with leading designers and fashion students alike taking the sustainable…

How to create a Photography Business, Latest Sale Week 02102017 This week, Latest Sale reports from the Photography Business Directory with advice on how to create a robust photography business. One of the greatest challenges the photography industry faces as a whole is the wider availability of images thanks to a plethora of online resources and the difficulty photographers have in protecting the distribution of…

Wear the right colour for fashion events, Latest Sale Week 04092017

This week Latest Sale covers Fashion for the luxury Business Directory. We touch on whether there really is a perfect colour to wear for a fashion event. Does choosing the right colour depend on the season or the event? Or alternatively, should fashionistas consistently follow annual or seasonal trends in order to select the most…

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Technology in sneakers, Latest Sale Week 21082017

This week Latest Sale covers Technology for the Business Directory with a focus on wearable Fashion. Devices that have converted movement into electrical energy may be tracked through clothing with the power generated attaching itself to power watches, an mp3 player or even a mobile phone. Taking inspiration from the world of skateboarding, Argentine industrial…

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Is Interior Design a hobby or a career? Latest Sale Week 14082017 This week Latest Sale highlights the importance of good interior design for residential properties and addresses the question as to whether an enthusiastic interior design hobbyist can take care of his/her residential interior design needs or rather the usage of a professional interior designer is required. One thing is for sure, the simpler the design,…

Bellperre Luxury Smartphones, Latest Sale Week 24072017

This week, Latest Sale reports from the Telecommunications Business Directory. Luxury design is at the centre of the luxuriously designed refined leather Smartphones by Bellperre. Designed in the Netherlands, the Bellperre brand founded in 2005, enjoys handmade craftsmanship with a minimalist design that captivates its users. Precision manufacturing ensures that Bellperre luxury mobile phones are…

Royal Mail celebrates British Architecture, Latest Sale Week 17072017

Latest Sale covers Architecture for this week’s Business Directory with a special focus on surprisingly, postage stamps. On this occasion, Royal Mail has developed a captivating range of special edition Landmark Buildings postage stamps that celebrates the Best of British Architecture in the public sector. The ten special edition postage stamps cover the following British…

Cubism, Art Deco Hotel Montana, Switzerland, Latest Sale Week 03072017 This week Latest Sale covers the classically styled Art Deco Hotel Montana in Switzerland as part of the luxury Business Directory for the Hospitality, Travel and Leisure sector. A simply glamorous small luxury hotel, influenced by the Cubism art movement, the Art Deco Hotel Montana is located in Lucerne, Switzerland and guests can select an…

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Tesla Model 3 Climate change, Latest Sale Week 26062017 As we become ever more conscious of climate change, the Latest Sale team has put together the Tesla electric car guide for the Technology Business Directory. Can mass drivers ever enjoy emission free driving? Tesla Model 3 product designers aim to provide just that with this widely anticipated product launch. With its low centre of…
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