Quantum Meets 2024 Plenary PART 3B INSIGHTS
Latestsale.com is excited to be at the frontier of quantum technology. Together, we are part of a cutting-edge ecosystem that thrives in the Netherlands and beyond for Europe’s competitiveness.
During the 12th June Plenary Day at Quantum Meets 2024, panellists continued to highlight implementation plans for business growth through quantum with contributions from Deutsche Bahn, Port of Rotterdam, ioT Tribe, E.ON, and Airbus during the “Driving market leadership through quantum technologies, a multi-sector view on the must and nice to have” session.
As Infinity announced it would soon be launching a Powered by Quantum Delta world-first dedicated Telecommunications industry report focused on the adoption and use cases of quantum, “The Quantum Guide to Commercial Acceleration: Telecom Industry” session was soon underway with Q*Bird, Eurofiber Netherlands, Telefónica, and Quside at the helm.
Ingrid Romijn of Q*Bird led to way, expressing the need to ensure that Quantum network systems are scalable enough to perform QKD operations between multiple users by identifying a central hub for numerous end user secure key access points.
As the summit continued to explore the (Quantum) network of the future, Ingrid Romijn of Q*Bird elaborated further declaring that both an agreed Quantum architecture together with cross border connections could be the answer. The technology itself was identified as not being the major issue in terms of adoption but rather, administrative issues such as procurement of equipment, developing a more streamlined ecosystem that opens up the gateway to more vendors and providers of QKD solutions, able to provide Quantum technology as part of their arsenal. This will facilitate according to Romijn “a more viable, comprehensive ecosystem and an equally viable supply chain.”
As we reach a pivotal stage, the Quantum community needs to distinguish clearly between QKD and QKC use cases. The value of these competing technologies must also be clarified. LatestSale.com favours the adoption of QKD for its hybrid responsible AI and Quantum enabled solutions. Ingrid Romijn of Q*Bird further expressed the necessity of growing the Quantum ecosystem and generating confidence during the EU operational and developmental phase of Quantum roll out.