Bus Stop 1, Abstract Art Print, Ali Jabbar

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This series of paintings Bus Stop I and Bus Stop II by Ali Jabbar communicate the time spent waiting at a bus stop. That time taken from a person’s life – no matter how long or short – represents a humanizing….


…..feeling of belonging to or isolation from a community. Some may regard this period of time as insignificant, but it has been an important influence on the artist’s life where commuting from one location to another….


….gives him a different viewpoint. The moments that have passed; thoughts, emotions and events are nothing like the moments to come. These moments are spent in contemplation where everyone stands still and waits.

https://merangue.com/b7d4hmy Ali Jabbar’s Bus Stop 1 limited edition abstract art prints enjoys cool tones and shades of blue that highlight the shadows within the painting and the idea of time passing by. The cool hues emit a feeling of serenity which is the perfect inspiration for an interior design finish that expresses a calm and relaxing atmosphere

Bus Stop 1, Ali Jabbar, Abstract Art Prints
Bus Stop 1

https://oevenezolano.org/2024/08/4dgrjr7 A centre piece often displays simplicity without character. Add Ali Jabbar’s Bus Stop 1 to residential interiors, and transform spaces so they are more visually engaging. The use of shades of blue in the artwork emulates a harmonious composition that establishes an atmosphere of calm introspection.

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https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/2yxfqbrg8 The living room setting is where most of your guests spend time. Empower Bus Stop 1 by displaying it prominently so that it sparks conversation, and creates a unique moment of reflection. The painting embraces the cohesiveness of neutral colours including crystal blue furniture or surrounding space.

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