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Home / Fine Art: Determining its Authenticity

Fine Art: Determining its Authenticity

Fine art; determining its authenticity is a key consideration for art connoisseurs, especially first-time art buyers. They will need adept guidance before they buy fine art. Most fine artwork comes with provenance to prove its authenticity. Forgery is of increased concern in the art world therefore buyers should look beyond the artwork’s provenance to confirm its authenticity.

If a certain piece of artwork appeals to buyers, they need to refer to previous work the artist has created to confirm its authenticity. Most artists follow a trademark style, which they use to create the artwork. Buyers need to compare their find with the artist’s past work. If the trademark style is unclear or not well defined, most likely, it is counterfeit art. It has become extremely important for buyers to know how to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit fine art at the point of purchase.

Refer to the placement of the signature at the back of the artwork because it can be forged. Counterfeit artwork will most likely show the artist’s signature positioned incorrectly.

Next, check for layering. Genuine artwork shows depth by layering, and counterfeit art does not. Developing knowledge of various mediums and materials used to create the art also helps.

Buyers who choose to purchase fine art online cannot examine this characteristic of layering, so it is important they look for a reliable and trustworthy online source of purchase.

Purchasing fine art online may be viewed as extremely convenient by numerous fine art enthusiasts, who have increasingly adopted this trend as well as still attending traditional art gallery previews. Buyers can perform investigative work on both the online platform they are purchasing the artwork from and the artwork they are interested in acquiring.


RESEARCH: Study the online platform and the artwork.

EXPLORE: Discover artwork.

DISPLAY: Showcase original artwork.