The Futuristic Hospitals TECHNOLOGY: Medical Devices, Psilocybin topic returns with the Your Voice is Amplified podcast from This is our second technology podcast covering Hospitals of the Future as we explore the effects of Psilocybin used to treat depression. In this podcast episode we evaluate what effects medical devices have had on this trial from King’s College, London and the key trends driving the medical ecosystem forward.
Skip to: 00:06 Digging into the tech ecosystem.
To ensure that each Psilocybin participant fully experienced the effects of the drug, they were provided with earplugs, earphones, and eyeshades during the sessions and a specially designed music playlist as part of the medical device support mechanism. The Mindfold eye mask was used during the trial because it ensures light does not penetrate in the same way as other masks.
Skip to: 02:00 The calmness of the eyemask device.
The use of psilocybin drugs is often associated with spirituality. Almost one-third of people administered this drug claim to experience a spiritually significant event after use. As far as the eye covering is concerned, it does contribute in some ways. Eye masks can be calming and can help the body to relax, whilst contributing to improving mental illnesses, in this case, depression.
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