Latest Sale is celebrating famous quotations that reflect the style of the brands we represent on the Latest Sale site. We start with fine jewellery and the fabulously glamorous Multi stone hub earrings from Destino Jewellery. Audrey Hepburn once said, “Nothing is impossible, the word says ‘I’m possible’-” and this is so true. Destino Jewellery multi gemstone earrings are a true delight especially for women who love eclectic designs and the ability to mix and match.
These Destino Jewellery, 925 sterling silver multistone hub gemstone earrings available for £1,200.00 on the Latest Sale site include Amethyst, Citrine, Sky Blue Topaz, Garnet and Peridot. A wonderful selection that can be matched with what is sure to be a superb attire from your wardrobe.