This week Latest Sale covers Hospitality, Travel and Leisure for the Business Directory with a focus on the Internet of Things, Hospitality at the Marriott, Latest Sale Week 27082018.
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
The Internet of Things refers to the capture and sharing of data through devices that use the Internet. Internet connectivity and machine and device connectivity in the hotel guest room creates a digital infrastructure of networks that can work seamlessly together whilst absorbing more and more data. The capture and sharing of data through devices that use the Internet contribute to the basic infrastructure of the network of things (the Internet of Things). This network can then be used to enhance a guest room’s experience and usage of facilities in the hotel environment.
The IoT (Internet of Things) Guestroom Lab at the Marriott
The IoT Guestroom Lab at the Marriott aims to embrace the hotel chain’s sustainability objectives. The Marriott Smart hotel room facilitates multiple responsive IoT systems, devices and applications. The Marriott has built on mobile and voice enabled technology so that hotel guests can tailor a guest room to their needs. Guests can interact with a virtual assistant to set up a wale up alarm, set up reminders for a regular exercise session such as yoga on a full length mirror, set a shower water temperature level and request housekeeping services. The advantage of IoT in Hospitality is also that it is an enabler of core streamlined hotel operations.
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