This week Latest Sale covers Technology for the Business Directory. Here we report on the rise of alternative search engines. The Ecosia search engine has been billed as the ethical, socially responsible search engine with a strategic undertaking that has led to the plantation of a new tree every 1.7 seconds according to the statistics from the Escocia website.
The Ecosia search engine, powered by Bing uses a proportion of its advertising revenue for social and ecological projects. Why is it important to plant trees you may ask? With over 109 million trees planted so far thanks to revenue generated through searches from 7 million active users, Escocia aims to “create a world where the environment no longer needs protecting.” With key driving forces such as bio diversity, water security, soil protection and clean air, the Escocia search engine promises to enable its users to help end deforestation.
Described as a social business, this organic technology™ firm (the official term used by Latest Sale to describe technology enterprises that use technology to create an active workforce and not deplete it) was launched in 2009 by German entrepreneur and CEO Christian Kroll. Escoia has real purpose in a world where technology firms often seek profits at the expense of negative societal changes.
The positive effects of Escocia are already clear. In the Ethiopan Valley and hills of Dila, Escocia highlights how their work has facilitated the return of zebras to the region thanks to the ever-growing rise in the restoration of degraded landscapes. The Sofe River banks are now full of life even in the dry season with an abundance of coffee plants thriving under newly planted coffee trees.