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Home / Articles Posted by Latest Sale (Page 51)

All posts by Latest Sale

Exploring Fine Jewellery and the Meaning Behind a Garnet Gemstone

Exploring fine jewellery and the meaning behind a garnet gemstone is the highlight of this post. Once the most popular gemstone of the Roman Kingdom, garnet is used today to create spectacular Destino Jewellery garnet jewellery ensuring the wearer exudes regal confidence and grace as seen with the Destino Jewellery Singular Newton Styled Garnet Necklace….

Hilton: Health and Wellbeing, Latest Sale Week 13012020

This week, Latest Sale reports on Hilton: health and wellbeing from the Hospitality, Travel, and Leisure Business Directory. Hilton’s Five Feet to Fitness programme places the function of a traditional gymnasium at the heart of the guest room, ensuring hotel residents can more easily retain a healthy fitness regime whilst travelling. Each guest room incorporates…

London to Use Facial Recognition Technology, Latest Sale Week 06012020

This week, Latest Sale reports from the Technology Business Directory and explores the topic “London to Use Facial Recognition Technology.” London emergency services plan to use real-time facial recognition technology for investigations. The technology will use video cameras installed on the streets to identify individuals by matching their picture against their database. The software can…

The Top Three Pros of Wearing Stainless Steel Jewellery

Latest Sale highlights the top three pros of wearing stainless steel jewellery. First, the properties of stainless steel  include its durability and tarnish-resistant sensibility. Second, jewellery made from this accessibly priced metal alloy will not dent or become scratched easily and will retain its luster even with regular daily wear. The chromium in the alloy…

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