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Home / Articles Posted by Latest Sale (Page 23)

All posts by Latest Sale

Fine jewellery delights each and every time

Fine jewellery delights each and every time thanks to exotic trends that boost your confidence. Multistone jewellery creates an aura of personified elegance with delicate gemstones including amethyst, garnet and citrine. A wonderful eclectic mix of the finest cut gemstones stretches the imagination of Destino Jewellery product designers. For women who wish to truly engage…

Role of Employee Training in Hospitality Latest Sale Week 08022021

This week we report from the Hospitality, Travel, and Leisure Business Directory, and discuss the role of employee training in hospitality businesses. Proper employee training directly impacts customer experience, ROI, and business reputation hence its increased importance. Staff training ensures hospitality workers can better handle customers through improved communication to gain a customer’s attention, and…

Is handmade jewellery made from sterling silver?

Is handmade jewellery made form sterling silver? Well that all depends on the collection and the designer. The Destino Jewellery collection incorporates a range of handmade creations such as Murano glass earrings made with precious metals including sterling silver. The copper jewellery range also enjoys precision designs with a touch of sterling silver. Perfect for…

The Impact of Technology on Society Latest Sale Week 01022021

This week we report from the Technology Business Directory, and highlight the impact of technology on society, as seen in 2021. The latest technological inventions have helped improve lifestyles, productivity, and personal wellbeing. For instance, the healthcare sector has made considerable advancements through the creation of healthcare wearables that lead to alternative care solutions alongside…

Stainless steel jewellery inspirations thrive

Stainless steel jewellery inspirations thrive thanks to the Fire Steel product design team who create compelling jewellery designs for both men and women. Highlights include captivating pendants, rings and chains for men and bangles, bracelets and statement earrings for women. For special occasions, formal attire sits well with this range of jewellery delights that is…

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