Direct Sales (Abstract Art Prints)
The Latest Sale Fine Art Affiliate Programme offers professional art-related companies with the opportunity to sell direct abstract art limited edition prints by Ali Jabbar. Fine Art Affiliates benefit from our Marketing support in relation to this abstract artist.
Ali Jabbar is a painter, sculptor and designer. He was born in Iraq in 1963, has lived in Denmark from 1992 to 2008 and has Danish citizenship. He studied at the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad (1982-1987), at the Academy of Fine Arts in Baghdad (1987-1990) and the KKA Design School in Copenhagen, Denmark where he achieved a Diploma in Graphic Design. Ali Jabbar began his career in art in 1985.
How does the Fine Art Direct Sales Affiliate Programme work?
Ali Jabbar’s abstract artwork is now available for direct sales via the Fine Art Affiliate Programme. Choose from a range of abstract art that will delight your clients time after time. Simply select the pieces of art your clients desire from the Ali Jabbar categories list using the vendor code we will send you. When we sell an abstract art poster to your client, the artwork sale price is discounted. This saving is passed directly onto you as commission.
How much commission do Ali Jabbar Fine Art Affiliates receive?
If for example an abstract art print is priced at £300.00, we then send to you a vendor code to be used by your client. Your client when purchasing the art print will receive a discount of £60.00 when the vendor code is inserted. The 20% discount is automatically credited to your Fine Art Affiliate account and forms part of your commission. Latest Sale takes care of the dispatch of the abstract art print that is sent directly to the client.
Direct Sales (Abstract Art Posters)
As well as offering fine art abstract art limited edition prints to clients, Ali Jabbar Fine Art Affiliates can also offer clients abstract art posters that are priced more competitively. Abstract art posters are available in various sizes for a variety of events and uses including A3, A2, and A1. The commission ratio and vendor code for sales works in the same way for the sale of abstract art posters and abstract art limited edition prints.
Can anyone join the Ali Jabbar Fine Art Affiliate programme?
No, the Ali Jabbar Fine Art Affiliate Programme can only be used directly for art-related companies, art galleries and/ or individuals including art distributors/ agents and dealers who work within the sector. Ali Jabbar Fine Art Affiliates should have a clear understanding of abstract art in order to join the Ali Jabbar, Abstract Art Affiliate programme, as well as a company website and a dedicated presence in the art world.
Can fine artists join the Fine Art Affiliate programme?
No, Fine artists cannot join the Ali Jabbar Fine Art programme. Although we appreciate contributions from fine artists in various ways, due to client conflicts, we do not allow artists to join the programme nor sell art on behalf of other fine artists.
Which Ali Jabbar abstract art posters are available?
Ali Jabbar, Fine Art Affiliates can choose from over 50 art posters within the Ali Jabbar abstract artwork index.
Fine Art Rental Service (Abstract Art Prints)
Latest Sale supports fine artists from every continent and abstract art is one of the three key art movements that form part of the Latest Sale Fine Art Affiliate Programme. Ali Jabbar Fine Art Affiliates can now offer an additional service to their clients; art rentals for events. Some clients require a wider range and regular supply of available abstract artwork for special events and conferences and Latest Sale encourages Ali Jabbar Fine Art Affiliates to embrace this popular revenue stream.
How does the Fine Art Rentals Programme work?
Fine art affiliates who choose to work with Latest Sale to provide the art rentals service to customers pay a set licensing fee for use of the service, to cover repeat sales and delivery of artwork to the client.
A total of five abstract art limited edition prints must be purchased as a minimum to participate in the programme. We indicate a recommended fee for clients in relation to art rentals for the Ali Jabbar Fine Art Rentals programme.
How does payment for art rentals work?
Paying Latest Sale direct for Art Rentals
The client may pay for Artwork rentals on the site and a collection is arranged from a designated address given by the affiliate to Us for such collection. In the case of a Latest Sale collection and delivery for art rentals, we charge a small fee to affiliates to cover our administrative and postage costs.
Affiliates must ensure they have a suitable location for storage of artwork. Abstract art limited edition prints and abstract art posters are delivered in compact postal tubes and can easily be stored in a clean, dry garage, closet, office, showroom or spare room. Once clients order from the site the Affiliate will be notified so that collection can be arranged.
Assignment of territories
Fine Art Affiliates are assigned a territory and must have a business or reside within the territory applied for. For example, a business based in the state of Texas, can apply for the Texas affiliate scheme but said affiliate must choose one city of focus within the state such as Austin, Houston or Dallas. For any given state we have restricted numbers of Fine Art Affiliates who can join the Programme and once we have reached our quota, we can no longer accept any more Ali Jabbar fine art affiliates.
Fine Art Rental Service (Abstract Art Posters)
Depending on the nature of the Client, Ali Jabbar abstract art posters are available in various sizes including A3, A2, and A1 for a variety of events and uses. These varying sizes for abstract art posters are perfect for all types of clients, large and small who all require flexibility but do not have the space parameters at their chosen venue for full sized abstract art limited edition prints. The Fine Art Affiliate art rentals service for abstract art posters work in the same way as the art rentals service for abstract art limited editions prints.
Think global, act local
The distribution of Marketing materials is assigned to Fine Art Affiliates strictly for local or domestic use. Therefore if you are an art dealer who manages the state of Texas, art rental events and Marketing activity must be carried out within the state of Texas. Wherever possible, Fine Art affiliates should select art framers who are also locally based within the state of Texas.
Which types of abstract artwork are available?
Ali Jabbar fine art affiliates can enjoy a wide range of abstract artwork from an index of more than 50 paintings. These paintings include;
Composition from the Mediterranean
This piece of artwork, Composition from the Mediterranean depicts a composition of scenes from cities and villages on the Mediterranean coast. Unique plants and sailboats are displayed throughout the painting, with its blue colour representing the warmth of the sea. View Composition from the Mediterranean here.
Absolute Expansion
This painting Absolute Expansion demonstrates how a group of adjacent buildings expand in a triangular manner; an expansion that is boundless and limitless. With shapes inspired by the Greek scientist Pythagoras and the Egyptian dynasties the Pharaohs, the painting’s infinite expansion suggests growth and natural elegance. View Absolute Expansion here.
Ali Jabbar further explains his artistic ethos;
“Paintings are the fragmentation of many different worlds, which are derived from reality, legends and myths and then reassembled in one spatial place that create an image which expresses a very special moment.”