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Home / Technology / The Impact of Technology on Society Latest Sale Week 01022021

The Impact of Technology on Society Latest Sale Week 01022021

This week we report from the Technology Business Directory, and highlight the impact of technology on society, as seen in 2021. The latest technological inventions have helped improve lifestyles, productivity, and personal wellbeing.

For instance, the healthcare sector has made considerable advancements through the creation of healthcare wearables that lead to alternative care solutions alongside AI-enabled drug trials that combined, assist in the prevention and/or detection of illnesses. Moreover, the EdTech sector has become more holistic and scalable with virtual learning and the increased use of AI. Besides that, technology has also revolutionized green startups, offering low-cost solutions that conserve the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of participants and focusing more on recycling. IoT and AI have been two central elements of technology that have impacted society in many ways.